Training Introduction

Well, what is training?

Some may say training is getting extra knowledge or transferring knowledge from one person to another.

But we view training as development of skill to use knowledge. In the information age, everyone has easy access to information and knowledge but not everyone has ability to use their knowledge in right manner. Knowledge is gained at schools and colleges. It gives the answer of what. However, which tool is to be used when and at what force is skill, which people gain through experiences. And experience in a particular situation is not of any help in different situation.

BM JOBS conducts workshops in a simulated environment where two way communications, interaction, problem solving exercises are carried out. This are tailored to the need of the participants, where participants find practical and feasible solutions to their problems. BM JOBS has some pre-designed training programs for each sector of management and other are customized to the need of the organization and participants. Some training programs are for developing technical skills and others are for personality traits and soft skills. Each training is conducted by the most experienced person in the field and lead by FCA. K.N.Modi.

Various skill trainings available @ BMJOBS

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