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Specialization is the key to success.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) have become very common to have specialization in every work of the organization. Organizations have two major activities, Core activities and Supporting activities. Specialized skills for core activities are usually hired in house and supporting activities are outsourced to BPOs. It helps the organizations to concentrate on the core activities to achieve the stated objectives. Even in-house skills for core activities have limited perspective of the market and outside environment. Thus, an organization resorts to KPOs to support their core functions.

BM JOBS is an association of eminent professionals lead by FCA. K.N.Modi who is actively involved with trade and industry of Nepal for around three decades, not only provide issue based consultancies for all the four aspects of management but also delivers key outputs for their business clients on a turnkey basis. It is rare in Nepalese market, who can take over the functional responsibility of all aspects of management including, Finance, Marketing, Operation and HR. BM JOBS is pioneer in the market who take over the responsibility for any and all aspects of business from Strategic Level to Shop floor level. BM JOBS provide BPO and KPO in all 4M’s of management viz, Money, Man, Machine, and Market.

Our services include:

Money: Money includes development of accounting manual, internal procedures, working capital management, internal audit, business valuation, sourcing of finance, etc.

Man: Human resource or man includes selection, recruitment, training, counseling, motivation and appraisals. In the current information age, it is the person who makes distinction between one organization to the other. BM Jobs help developing HR policies, rules and regulations, work procedures, training and development of people and synchronizing individual goal with that of organization. 

Machine: Operational management (machine) includes sources of technology, plant and equipment, project feasibility, insurance and claims, etc. It is vital that operating processes must use the scarce resources efficiently and effectively. BM Jobs not only develop detailed operational manual but also assist in implementing it.

Market: Marketing and Sales are critical for success of any organization. It includes market research and analysis, strategy development, channel development, event management, promotional tools and materials and many more. BM Jobs has immense capability of analyzing market for different products and services. It can help companies plan and implement successful and cost effective marketing strategy and implement it. BM Jobs not only can create market but also develop sales channels to convert the demand into sales. Social marketing, E-Marketing are its in-house strength. Our mission is to make available the best knowledge process to the trade, business and industry of Nepal for attaining its goals effectively.

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